Our Editorial Team works tirelessly to bring you award-winning Congressional news, from key headlines to minute-by-minute updates. CQ's news content can easily be shared externally with folks outside your organization if you think it interests them.
Here are the steps to take to share CQ articles externally.
1. CQ's news content can be found on the platform's homepage. The page will update dynamically with all new content every time you refresh.
2. In this example, let's choose the first article under CQ Now.
3. Once you open the article, on the right-hand side of the page, click "Email."
4. A "Send Document to User(s)" pop up appears. Under "Recipient email addresses," type recipient's email address(es). You can also type an optional message to the recipients and then hit send.
The recipient will receive an email with the link to the article, which will be available for thirty days from the date and time the email was sent.
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