Overview of CQ Verticals
Our team of veteran reporters, analysts, and researchers delivers hyper-focused content that is essential information for policymakers and opinion leaders around the clock and throughout the legislation process. If your organization has purchased CQ Health, Budget or Defense, see below for brief overviews of what information you can find therein.
Where to Locate Verticals
All the following content can be found in its respective tab under 'Analyze' in the top toolbar.
CQ Budget
Written and curated by CQ's team of veteran appropriations reporters, CQ Budget brings together all the latest news, bills, and analysis covering every aspect of the federal budget from across the CQ platform.
- Draft appropriations bills before they’ve been assigned official bill numbers,
- Exclusive status reports showing where each spending bill stands in the process,
- Associated committee reports, news, markups, votes, latest newsletters and more.
CQ Health
CQ Health pulls together all content from across that platform as it pertains specifically to healthcare, insurance, medicare and more. Find all the latest news articles, schedules, CRS reports, transcripts and bills around healthcare, and the latest Health newsletters all pulled together by CQ's veteran health reporters.
CQ Defense
Covering the armed services, homeland security and the intelligence agencies, CQ’s Defense provides holistic insights into the ultimate “insider’s community” as it takes you from committee to legislation to nominations to policy debate. You can also find the Latest Defense Newsletters.
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